Petalite (Angel stone)
Enhances the connection with ancient civilizations, spiritual guides, totem animals & the angelic realm.
A high vibration stone, Petalite opens a doorway to Christ/Cosmic consciousness, aiding in contact, visions & powerful healing. Petalite has been used to successfully cut attached cords/ties & release all negative energies from the physical, mental, emotional & etheric bodies. Also aids in smoothing the auric field.
Petalite is a wonderful companion to use during meditation & vision quests, as it enhances/deepens the state. It balances the male/female, yin/yang energies. Petalite helps to open the Throat Chakra so that one can speak with clarity & precision. It also helps to open/activate the Crown & higher chakras to stimulate clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, & intuition.
This stone dispels stress, depression, anxiety, hysteria & hallucinatory dissociation. Carrying Petalite will keep you calm & centered under any circumstances. Petalite should be used in any type of healing modality as its subtle energies are unusually sensitive to human chemistry & energy.