Rose Quartz Raw
Rose Quartz Raw
Chakras: Heart - Zodiac: Taurus & Libra - Planet: Venus
- Element: Earth & Water
Keywords: Unconditional love, Self-love, Mother love, Caring, Kindness, Friendship, Romantic love, Platonic love
Rose quartz is often called “The Stone Of Love." It's energetic mark is that of unconditional love which opens up the heart chakra. This makes rose quartz a stone for every type of love: self, family, platonic, romantic, and unconditional. As a variety of quartz, rose quartz has high energy, & this strong energy can enhance love in virtually any situation. Bringing love into life & daily situations. Rose Quartz also brings us inner warmth, lowers stress and soothes those around it.
In the psychic & spiritual realms, rose quartz is often used to attract love, for love spells & charms. It is also used to ease the process of transition in dying to make the transition gentle and surrounded by the unconditional love of the Divine. Rose quartz can also be helpful for dream recall & dream work.
Rose quartz is used to raise self-esteem & a strong sense of self-worth. Its loving energies teach us to apply this love to ourselves & find ourselves more worthy.
Emotionally, rose quartz is used to balance emotions & bring peace & calm. This calm emotional balance brings stress relief & easing of anxiety. All these things carry energies of forgiveness, tolerance, & compassion to the fore, enabling us to see the good in both ourselves and others.