Ruby Kyanite
Ruby Kyanite
Ruby Kyanite Zodiac: Cancer, Gemini, Pisces, & Sagittarius - Elements: Earth & Storm Chakras: Root & Third Eye
Keywords: Prana, courage, passion, intuition, psychic ability, inspiration, visionary awareness
Ruby vibrates with enthusiasm for Life & provides an energy of anticipation of the future, leading the user on a forward path. In addition to its other properties, Kyanite keeps that energy field clear & protected. Where Ruby assists one in dealing with stress & anxiety, Kyanite helps cut through cloudy thoughts & indecision. Since Ruby is a stone of love, being mixed with protective kyanite couldn't be more perfect as a protection stone for matters of the heart. These two stones working together create strength in a calm & tranquil environment, allowing the user to continue moving into the positive & out of the negative.