Truffle Chalcedony
Truffle Chalcedony
Chakras: Sacral, solar, throat, & third eye - Element: Water
Zodiac: Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, & Aquarius
Keywords: Inner knowledge, vitality, endurance, kindness, generosity, nurturing.
Truffle Chalcedony, also known as Womb Stone, Chalcedony Nodules, and Chalcedony Balls, are rare botryoidal Chalcedony clusters only found in Morocco. These crystal friends help one activate their root chakra & build a deeper connection with Mother Earth. This connection helps one ground their energy, thoughts, & emotions. This Chalcedony allows one to calm their daily way of life & become more in touch with themselves & their surroundings.
Helps to clear the mind of excess chatter, helping one to become more in tune with their true authentic spiritual path. You will begin to feel more energized, this will further guide you towards new things in your life. Such as a new relationship, job, & creative endeavors. Chalcedony Nodules are here to revitalize one's spirit & rejuvenate your aura. It taps into one's inner strength & brings renewed confidence.